Last summer, I facilitated a great group of educators participating in 23 Things on a Stick. From the Web site:
23 Things On a Stick is the Minnesota twist on the Library Learning 2.0 program
developed by Helene Blowers at the Public Library of Charlotte &
Mecklenberg County and adopted or adapted by many other libraries and organizations since then.
23 Things On a Stick was developed by the seven multitype multicounty library
systems as part of the staff development the multitypes offer in their regions.
It's an opportunity for educators to explore Web 2.0 tools, to extend their learning and the learning of their students. Participants will create a blog to share their learning and comment on each other's experiences.
This year, I'm facilitating Round 2, including some folks who are "gluttons for punishment", and are continuing to add to their learning by trying "More Things on a Stick!" I look forward to learning with them!
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